Love in a mist

Love in a Mist

A while back I sowed some ‘Love in a Mist’ (or Nigella) seeds. They took what seemed for ever to germinate and then, after weeks of seemingly nothing happening, the tiniest green shoots popped up through the soil and from there they started to grow. By the end of July, after weeks of sunny weather,ย  buds had appeared.

Then, the weather changed. It turned cooler and rainy. Each day, on coming home from work, I checked to see if there were any flowers. Another wait ensued. Then, finally, one blue flower appeared, then, the next day, another, and another and by now I’ve lost count !

These are the prettiest of flowers, with a delicate, wispy network ofย  foliage and gorgeous cornflower blue blooms.

Love in a mist

Of course, I was supposed to thin out the seedlings, but I never quite got round to it. And now the flowers are overflowing , like little wildflower meadows in zinc pots. Happily,ย  the pollinators seem to love them too, so I might just repeat my ‘mistake’ next year, ignore the instructions on the seed packetย  and leave them to their own happy abundance. There is a lesson in there somewhere, I think !.

love in a mist 10

Love in a mist

Love in a mist

Love in a mist

You can learn a bit more about Love in a Mistย here

They are so easy to grow and the vibrant blue is worth the wait ๐Ÿ™‚

Have a lovely Sunday x


  1. Lovely photos! These have been the unexpected stars of my own garden this year. I scattered the seeds liberally and left them to do their thing! As they are wildflowers I took the view that in the ‘wild’ there would be no thinning or other intervention so I would just leave Mother Nature to do her work. Mine germinated quickly and wen from strength to strength; like yours, they are overflowing from their pots, and the odd one has even emerged from between flag stones and in the midst of gravel where seeds must have been blown. The vast majority are blue but a few have been white or a pale lilac colour. They are still going strong.

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