
February’s fair maid

In recent years, snowdrops have grown hugely in popularity. Perhaps it’s because they are so pretty, perhaps it’s the Instagram effect.  Perhaps it’s simply because in the dark days of winter , when clumps of their delicate white flowers start to emerge from the undergrowth, they are so welcome.


In response to their increasing popularity, a local garden , Ballyrobert Cottage Garden has been opening its doors for ‘Snowdrop Days’ where you get a guided tour of the snowdrops in bloom followed by tea and cake.  Well, flowers and cake is always a winning combination in my book, so off I popped down the road to spend a Saturday afternoon amongst the snowdrops, learning about the different varieties (of which there are about 19) and how to propagate them (which you do by dividing the bulb at the end of June and into July, making sure to have as much root as possible).

Typically, snowdrops are associated with wonderful large drifts…




but they are equally lovely, combined and indeed enhancing other plants in attractive winter displays such as

With daffodils and bergenia


With hellebores…


And my personal favourite – with purple and yellow crocus…




Naively I thought just a few people would turn up. In the end the car park was full – a testament to how popular these little flowers have become.  You could easily spot me in the crowd – I was the one lagging behind trying to take a few photographs ! I love the ethereal quality of snow drops – they become almost translucent in sunlight and with their bowed heads, they seem so modest 🙂

Many, many welcomes,

February fair – maid !

From ‘The Snowdrop’ by Alfred, Lord Tennyson

snowdrop 9

Have a lovely Sunday x

  1. Beautiful pictures. I’m so glad my Mum gave me some from her garden. They came up again this year( phew!) and it has been lovely seeing them. They are almost over with now especially after this weekend which has been unseasonably warm. X

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